Jurong Island, Singapore

Southeast Asia

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How we arrived at being sustainable

To us, first and foremost, sustainability means that our choices today must contribute to our long-term relevance in society. It boils down to a simple question: if we continue to do the things that we do today, will we still be a leader tomorrow? Our choices today must contribute to our long-term relevance in society. So sustainability means keeping our company relevant, healthy and fit for the future.

Secondly, as a service provider, we store and handle products that the market demands. These products are critical to people's daily lives but must be stored and handled appropriately in order to ensure there is no harm to people's health and the environment. Our role and responsibility is to provide efficient, safe and clean storage and services. Botlek Tank Terminal aims to be a strong link in each global product chain by performing amongst the best of the chain, within the limits set by our stakeholders in respect of price, supply chain specifics and customer demands. We want to be the partner of choice for all stakeholders in each product chain in which we operate.

Thirdly, we realize that sustainability is a dynamic concept. Sustainability is not defined in isolation. It is borne out of a continuous dialog with both external and internal stakeholders. A best practice today, may not be tomorrow. Our license to operate and license to grow depend on our ability to respond to changing demands from the market and society. This includes exploring how we can facilitate the introduction of new technologies, new operational processes and more sustainable products, such as LNG as a transportation fuel, which can make a positive contribution to the quality of life, safety, health and the environment.

Risk Management

One of the greatest challenges as we pursue our strategy of controlled, long-term growth is to limit the manifold financial, operational and HSSE risks. That is why we work based on a permanent and thorough risk management scheme that individually rates all risks and defines tailor-made mandates, tasks, and responsibilities. To further ensure a healthy mix of risk, all risks - including social and environmental ones - are evaluated in the context of the entire group of companies. We take a decentralized approach whereby risks are broken out to the individual companies and responsibility is assigned at operating unit level. The principal risks that may affect future business performance include:

Supplier & Customer Relations

The diversity of our company is reflected in the broad spectrum of our suppliers, ranging from vendors of technical equipment for our operational sites to office equipment suppliers. We treat our suppliers with respect, maintain an honest relationship with everyone involved in the business processes, and strive to establish a long-term cooperative partnership. For us, this means not only acting responsibly on our own premises, but along the entire supply chain.

Internal supplier lists increase transparency in the quality and performance of our business partners, with the ultimate goal of giving our customers excellent services and products. At our sites we also place great importance on safe working procedures for employees from sub-contractors. At Svnt Tanks, an integrated contractor management program has been in place since our creation.

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